Do Curtains Have To Touch The Floor?

Do Curtains Have To Touch The Floor?

With a few exceptions, your curtains should touch the floor. Floor-length curtains offer the most upscale, contemporary appearance, yet your ultimate decision will undoubtedly rely on the exact style you want to create.

However, depending on the interior designs or decorations, you should generally select short or long curtains.

Read about the 8 Simple Hacks For Curtains That Are Too Long

Do Curtains Have To Touch The Floor?

No matter your preference, make sure that your curtains are the correct length for your windows. You don’t want them too short or too long; otherwise, they will look out of proportion and won’t function properly.

It is entirely up to your choice to decide whether curtains have to touch the floor. Some people like their curtains to barely graze the floor, while others prefer them to pool on the floor for a more dramatic look.

Hanging your curtains slightly higher can make your room look taller and more elegant.

The key is to ensure that your curtains are long enough to reach the windowsill or molding to appear intentional and purposeful.

Check How Long Should Curtains Be In A Living Room?

How To Make Curtains To touch the Floor

There is something so elegant about a pair of curtains that touches the floor. Here are a few tips to get the look of curtains that touch the floor:

  1. Hang your curtains at their full length. Curtains that are too short will never touch the floor, no matter how much you adjust them.
  2. If your curtains are a little too long, try folding or pinning up the excess fabric they will fall more evenly to prevent them from pooling at the bottom.
  3. When hanging curtains, use extra hooks or clips to keep the fabric from blowing around too much and also keep them neat.
  4. Finally, take a step back and adjust the curtains until they look just right.

10 Types of Curtain Lengths

Most of us enjoy using lovely new curtains to beautify our houses. We occasionally ponder whether our curtains should reach the floor when we do this. This question’s response is crucial since it may influence how we decorate.

Curtains need to reach the floor. With a few exceptions, the room’s appearance will be more sophisticated and attractive the longer the curtains are. Because of this, most commonly found ready-made curtains are long.

But in actuality, different curtain lengths are used for different décor styles. While certain curtain types require the curtains to touch the floor, others do not. Here are the ten curtain length types used in homes to help you comprehend.

1. Short

Short curtains are those that barely touch or extend just below the ledge. You can use the same length recommendations for grazing or floating curtains if you only want them to brush the sill lightly.

In instances when you might not be able to have curtains that extend to the floor, this is a cute, casual style that works well.

They work particularly well for windows in bathrooms and those over kitchen sinks. To create the ideal airy effect, however, if you choose this style, ensure the curtains don’t extend more than 3 inches past the bottom of the windowsill.

Read about What To Do With Curtains That Are Too Long

2. Puddle

Puddle-length, referred to as actual puddles, is the longest, extending at least 6 inches above the ground on average. These curtain lengths seem opulent and magnificent.

The finest curtains for tall windows are puddle length, which works well in spaces you wish to use to impress visitors and family members.

Curtains of this length are mostly thick cotton and velvet fabrics. However, if you own pets, we do not advise this length.

This is so that your pet’s hair and other materials can readily accumulate in the additional fabric at the bottom.

3. Grazing

The look of grazing is precise; your drapes should only lightly touch the floor without breaking or exposing any baseboards.

To accomplish this, you must carefully measure the distance from the curtain rod to the floor and then have your curtains hemmed to that precise length.

The additional time it takes to develop has a beautiful, airy effect that is well worth it.

4. Breaking

Breaking length curtains, also called the break puddle, have a fitted appearance. Its height from the ground varies from a half-inch to at least an inch longer.

Curtains cut to a shorter length develop a tiny fold or break at the bottom, resulting in contrasted banding that gives a chic and sophisticated appearance.

Find out if  Curtains Should Cover Baseboards

5. Float

Floating is one of the most simple curtain lengths to achieve and keep up. Your curtain hem should ideally be between 3/8″ and 1/2″ above the ground, and this length is not only more uncomplicated to measure but it also makes sweeping and vacuuming much easier.

If you intend to open and close your curtains frequently, this is a perfect choice because you won’t have to rearrange them every time. Plus, since they won’t be rubbing against the floor, your curtains will stay much cleaner

6. Trouser

Your property will have a stylish look with trousers-length curtains. Its length exceeds the distance from the floor by at least 2 inches.

This length of curtain produces the right folds or bends. Your curtains will appear more stylish and well-groomed as a result.

The most pleasing results are achieved with trousers-length curtains made of crisp and heavier materials. Your family room, dining room, and bedroom are all ideal spaces for it.

7. Cafe

Similar to short curtains, but only reaching halfway up the window, are cafe curtains. You can hang only Half-cafe curtains or, with a little valance, a curtain with a flounced top edge.

If you want seclusion in the bathroom but yet want to let in some natural light, this curtain type is ideal. They’re also a chic option for kitchens and go well with a farmhouse or rural rustic decor.

8. Apron

An apron-length curtain typically hangs 1 inch below the window apron. This length of the curtain is not very common. However, they are useful because their size helps stop dirt and dust from the floor from accumulating.

Sometimes, these curtain lengths may appear to be too short. Therefore, it is best to use them exclusively on windows that have things blocking full-length curtains.

9. Sill

The Sill curtain is the shortest available, and its typical length is 0.5 inches above the window sill.

These curtain kinds can provide your house with a relaxed and charming appearance. It makes use of vibrant hues and patterns that give a space personality.

For small windows, we use this length of the curtain. Because they are short, they won’t obstruct the furniture, heater, or counter below them. Most bathrooms and kitchens have curtains of this type.

10. Floor

One of the most common curtains you may use in your home is floor-length curtains, which rise half an inch above the floor on average.

This length of curtain has a polished, fashionable appearance. Your windows appear taller and more elegant as a result.

Typically, floor-length curtains do not touch the ground, and your curtains hang straighter and appear cleaner.

This curtain length is used in high-traffic areas, such as the living room, and it is both attractive to look at and useful.

Measure the Length of Curtains from the floor

To hang curtains in a room with a lot of foot traffic, you will probably want to avoid letting them puddle on the floor. Not only will this help keep your curtains clean, but it will also help prevent trips and falls

However, some people like their curtains to barely graze the floor, while others prefer them to puddle on the floor for a more dramatic look. Preferably it is up to you to decide how high or low you want your curtains to hang.


Should Curtains touch the floor or window sill?

Curtains that touch the floor can help create the illusion of a larger window and make the room feel more spacious. They can also help to block out drafts from underneath the door. However, they can easily collect dust and dirt and may require often cleaning.

If you have a more formal space, you may want your curtains to graze the sill so that they create a neat look. However, if your space is more relaxed, you may want your curtains to puddle on the floor or drape over the sill for a softer look.

How much longer should curtains be than the window?

It all depends on personal preference and the overall aesthetic you are going for in your space.

Some people prefer their curtains to graze the top of their windows, while others like them to be much longer, extending several inches or even a few feet below the window.

How long should curtains be for 10-foot ceilings?

Curtains for 10-foot ceilings should be at least 2 feet longer than the width of your windows, and this will give you a nice look appropriate for a formal space.

If you want a more relaxed look, you can go shorter, but make sure the curtains still reach the floor to provide some coverage and privacy for you.

Should curtains touch the ceiling?

Some people like curtains that barely graze the ceiling, while others prefer them to puddle on the floor for a more luxurious feel.

Well, it is your choice to decide what look you are going for in your space. You can always consult a professional interior designer for guidance if you are unsure.

Is It Better to have curtains too long or too short?

Longer curtains are typically the way to go if you are going for a more formal look. They will add a touch of luxury and sophistication to the room. On the other hand, shorter curtains may be the better option if you’re going for a more relaxed vibe.

They will also let in more natural light and won’t weigh the room down visually. However, it is up to you to decide what looks best in your space.

Should curtains cover baseboards?

Some designers feel that baseboards should always be covered with curtains, while others believe that it is okay to leave them exposed.  However, the decision comes from personal preference and the room’s overall aesthetic.

Baseboards are often an overlooked design element in a room, but they can play a significant role in the overall aesthetic.

If you have beautiful, ornate baseboards, you may want to show them off by hanging your curtains a few inches above the ground.

On the other hand, if your baseboards are plain or unattractive, covering them up with curtains can help create a more polished look. Generally, it is up to you and what you think will look best in your space.


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