What Happens If You Don’t Wash Your Blankets?

Here are the things that happen if you don’t wash your blankets:

  1. Skin Irritation or Eczema
  2. Dust Mites
  3. Fungal or Bacterial Infections
  4. Sickly Sheets
  5. Pet Peeves
  6. Make-up Breakouts
  7. Bedroom Breakouts
  8. Bedbugs

You spend a percentage of your life on your bed, so keeping clean blankets should be one of your priorities. Consider the things you leave on the sheets, such as drool, sweat, dandruff from your hair, and other contaminants.

Preferably, washing them every week or at least twice a week would be best. If not, bacteria can start to grow and cause infections which can be detrimental to your health.

You can risk skin irritation, allergies, and respiratory problems if your blankets are dirty, and it can cause them to emit an unpleasant odor and be a health hazard.

Additionally, your blankets will not be as effective at keeping you warm. Also, not washing your blankets will shorten their lifespan.

Check How Often Should You Wash Your Blankets And Sheets?

What Happens If You Don’t Wash Your Blankets?

If you’re fond of procrastinating on washing your bedding, you might want to think twice before doing so. Because if you don’t, and you end up sleeping on soiled blankets every night, you’ll have to put up with several unpleasant side effects.

What Happens If You Don't Wash Your Blankets?

1. Pet Peeves

Fortunately, you can’t catch animal scabies from your dog, but if he has a skin condition known as mange, your skin may become inflamed and itching.

Additionally, your dogs may transmit ringworm of the scalp, a fungus. Try to do a weekly blanket swap.

2. Make-up Breakouts

Make-up Breakouts on your face and your blankets can cause dry skin, aging, inflammation, and infections. Sometimes even if you have thoroughly cleaned your face, bacteria can accumulate in the fibers, causing annoying whiteheads and spotty pimples as well as aggravating already present acne.

Read Is It Ok To Wash Blankets With Clothes?

3. Sickly Sheets

Wash your blankets if you or your spouse have been sick to eliminate any remaining germs because most bacteria and viruses can survive on soft surfaces for a few minutes to several hours.

Depending on the particular microorganism, the time frame changes. For instance, some stomach bugs can survive on fabrics for four hours, but flu viruses only last 15 minutes on tissues.

4. Skin Irritation or Eczema

While it may seem counter-intuitive, dirty blankets can cause skin irritation or eczema. Here’s how:

Dirty blankets carry dust, pollen, and other allergens that can trigger an inflammatory response in the skin. In people with eczema, this can lead to a flare-up of symptoms.

They can also harbor bacteria and other microbes that can cause skin infections which is a concern for people with eczema, as their skin is already compromised and more susceptible to disease.

If you or someone you know suffers from eczema, it’s important to keep blankets clean always.

5. Bedroom Breakouts

Are you unable to determine why your acne is getting worse? It can be because of your dirty pillowcase; your pores may become clogged by germs, dead skin, and embedded dirt.

Change your blankets every two to three days and the rest of your bedding once a week if you frequently break out.

6. Fungal or Bacterial Infections

Unwashed blankets can cause fungal or bacterial infections. Bacteria can grow on dirty surfaces, and when you come in contact with these surfaces, you can develop a disease.

The best way to prevent this is to keep your blankets clean. Wash them in hot water with detergent and dry them thoroughly before using them again.

Check How Do You Disinfect A Blanket Without Washing It?

7. Bedbugs

If you are dealing with bedbugs, you know how frustrating and difficult it can be to get rid of them. You may be surprised to learn that one of the contributing factors to a bedbug infestation may be dirty blankets.

Bedbugs are attracted to dirty laundry and bedding, so if your blankets have stains or dirt, they may be more likely to attract these pests.

Wash your blankets regularly in hot water and dry them on high heat to help prevent bedbugs from taking up residence in your home.

8. Dust Mites

Dirty blankets can most definitely cause dust mites. Dust mites are tiny creatures that thrive in dirty, dusty environments. They are especially fond of places with a lot of dead skin, such as blankets and pillows.

When these items are not clean, the dust mites have a veritable feast and can quickly multiply. In addition to causing allergies and asthma, dust mites can cause skin rashes and irritation.

So it is imperative to keep your blankets clean and free of dust mites.

How To Wash your Blankets

You can wash your blankets every few months to keep them clean and fresh. Here’s how to wash them:

  1. Remove all the bedding from your bed, including the blankets.
  2. Shake out each blanket to remove any dust or debris.
  3. Place the blankets in your washing machine. Add a mild detergent and set the machine to a delicate cycle.
  4. Wash the blankets in cool water.
  5. Hang the blankets to dry, or place them in the dryer in a low-heat setting.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your blankets clean and fresh for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dirty blankets make you sick?

Yes, dirty blankets can make you sick. Allergens, bacteria, and other contaminants can accumulate in your sheets and pillowcases, causing you to experience symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes.

Dirty bedding can trigger an attack if you have asthma or another respiratory condition. To avoid getting sick, always wash your bedding in hot water and dry it in the highest heat setting.

How often do blankets need to be washed?

It would be best to wash your blankets every three to six months. This timeline also depends on how often you use the blanket.

If you only use it at night, you need to wash it more frequently than a decorative throw you use on special occasions.

Can you get bed bugs from not washing blankets?

If you don’t wash your blankets, you may end up with bed bugs. These pests are attracted to dirty environments and will happily make their home in your bedding if it is not clean.

While bed bugs don’t carry disease, they can cause many discomforts and be challenging to get rid of once they have taken residence. To avoid this, wash your sheets regularly in hot water.

How long can a blanket last?

A blanket is a household item that can last for many years if you take good care of it. The average lifespan of a blanket is about 10 years.

However, some high-quality blankets can last longer; moreover, blankets you barely use can last longer than others.


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